Kristiina with Nao robot at home
Kristiina with robot at home

Short Bio

Kristiina Jokinen is Senior Researcher at AIRC (Artificial Intelligence Research Center), AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Japan. After her PhD from UMIST, Manchester she was JSPS Research Fellow at NAIST in Japan and an Invited Researcher at ATR Research Labs in Kyoto. She was Nokia Foundation Fellow at Stanford University in 2006, NICT Visiting Professor at Doshisha University in 2009-10, and is a Life Member of Clare Hall at University of Cambridge. Before joining AIRC, she was Professor and Project Manager at University of Helsinki and at University of Tartu.

Her research focuses on spoken dialogue systems, multimodal communication (speech, gaze, gesturing), and human-robot interaction. She led the development of WikiTalk, a Wikipedia-based talking robot information system, and has been Principal Investigator in multiple international projects. She has published four books, and organised several international workshops including the northernmost spoken dialogue conference IWSDS 2016 in Lapland.